New California Regulation Will Phase Out All Non-Electric Forklifts in the State By 2029

California Regulation Replacing IC Forklifts with Electric Forklifts

Starting in 2026, no dealer can sell an Internal Combustion forklift in California. All businesses, dealers, and renters in the state must offload their IC forklifts & replace with electrics by 2029.

This comes from a new regulation passed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB): California’s forklifts to become cleaner and less polluting – ARB.CA.Gov

This is an incredibly important change to material handling in California, at every level. Why is this happening? What’s the reasoning…and what will California organizations need to do?


The Reasoning: New Air Quality Regulation Passed

The California Air Resource Board has passed a new regulation, ordering the phase-out of all “Large Spark-Ignited” (LSI) forklifts in use throughout the state by 2029.

The intent: It’s part of California’s efforts to be carbon-neutral by 2045. All vehicles must be zero-emission. That includes forklifts.

It’s meant to reduce carbon emissions, particulates in the air, and greenhouse gases.


Which Organizations Will Be Affected

This is a major change to how companies transport material goods into & around California.

All businesses operating in California which use forklifts: Must replace LPG and diesel forklifts in their fleets with electrics.

All forklift dealers with a California presence: Can no longer sell LPG or diesel forklifts within California.


Timeline of Regulation Taking Effect

By 2026, no Class IV or Class V forklifts may be manufactured or sold for use in California (up to 12,000 lbs.).

By 2028, if you have 25+ forklifts in your fleet, they must ALL be electric at that point.

As of 2029, if you have under 25 forklifts in fleet, THEY must all be electrics.


Consequences of CARB Regulation Change – Inventory Moving Fast(er)

What kind of consequences will such a major regulation change have?

  • FOR DEALERS: Will have to move existing inventory out of state to other locations, or sell it off.
  • FOR EQUIPMENT RENTERS: Renters normally cycle inventory over time due to age/operational status. May want to add (temporarily) a ‘CARB Compliance’ factor to the cycle scheduling.
  • FOR COMPANIES: Will have 4-5 years to cycle out all IC forklifts and replace with electrics. (A percentage of them will age out in that time frame anyway.)

Important Note: The CARB regulation includes exemptions for special circumstances. These can include:

  1. Low-use forklifts
  2. Emergency operation forklifts
  3. Forklifts used in the field for agricultural or forest operations

The CARB website has more information on the exemptions.


Major Operational Change Coming; Everyone Needs to Prepare

Since Heli has great electrics, we’re working on additional supply to help our California customers.

We’re happy to help with sorting out what you need to maintain your operations. Please contact Industrial Forklifts if you need help.


California’s forklifts to become cleaner and less polluting – California Air Resources Board
Text of CARB Bill, PDF
California Adopts Zero-Emission Forklift Regulation – DieselNet
California Passes Zero Emission Forklift Rule – The Desert Review

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